Stop Living with UGLY & Start LOVING your Bath or Shower
Bathtubs are essentially the focal point of your bathroom. This means that they are an extremely important component to your bathroom. Here’s a little homework assignment. The next time you step foot into your shower or tub, look at your feet. Is the floor that is underneath your feet, dull, cracked...
Continue readingBath Planet Streamlines Bathroom Remodeling So You Get Gorgeous FASTER
So many homeowners that I know are really unhappy with the looks of their bathroom(s.) There is definitely this belief that doing any type of improvements to your bathroom is going to be such a huge headache. Sure, this is definitely how bathroom remodeling used to be. About twenty or thirty years a...
Continue readingPress the Easy Button and You will Get a Gorgeous Bathroom with Bath Planet
Many homeowners take great efforts to make their home look great but leave their bathrooms untouched and stuck in the dark ages. If your bathroom needs some Botox or maybe even a full fledged face-lift, the team here at Bath Planet can help. We are extremely proud of our reputation as being the comp...
Continue readingBath Planet Takes the Headache Out of Bathroom Remodeling
Do you have an ugly shower? If you’re stepping into your shower each and every day and not liking what is surrounding you, it’s time you do something about it! If you are turning a blind eye to your eye sore of a shower why are you settling? There is absolutely no reason why you should just live wit...
Continue readingUpdating your Tub into your ‘Favorite Space’ is Easy with Bath Planet
I've said it before, kitchens and bathrooms are extremely important rooms in your house. If you've been “living with” an ugly bathroom, potential buyers are not going to. Even if they love the rest of your house, they will not settle with a dated and ugly kitchen or bathroom. They just won’t. Ask an...
Continue readingBath Planet Understands Mobility Issues BETTER THAN ANYONE
Mobility issues come in many forms. While many people suffer from different issues all are extremely difficult and hard to come to terms with. Mobility is something most of us take for granted. We take a shower or a bath whenever we feel like it. We use the bathroom whenever we need to go. Having sa...
Continue readingBath Planet will Transform your Shower & Make it Sing
A realtor friend of mine has told me a thousand times that bathrooms are extremely important in her line of work. Years ago, bathrooms were not an integral part of selling a home. It was okay if the bathroom(s) weren’t beautiful as long as you had one or two. Now, she says there is such a wide assor...
Continue readingBath Planet Specializes in Bathroom CPR
I was recently in a semi fancy department store and stopped in the ladies room. Wow, is all I have to say! Gorgeous! There were two velvety chairs inside that had a beautiful sheen to them. There was a coffee table and even current fashion magazines. I was tempted to just stay in there instead of ju...
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